A native Texan, Kendall Berdinsky fell in love with the Junie B. Jones books she discovered in kindergarten and has been an avid reader ever since. She is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in professional writing with a minor in English literature. During her junior year abroad, she interned in the children’s department at Simon & Schuster UK and after graduation attended the Columbia Publishing Course. With DGB since 2021, she assisted Jane Dystel and has been the digital coordinator since 2023.
Kendall is interested in seeing literary fiction, book club fiction, psychological thrillers, upmarket romance, , and narrative nonfiction. For more details on her wishlist, please visit her Manuscript Wishlist page.
To query Kendall, please visit her Query Manager page.
Kendall wants to see more…
Female-led psychological thrillers
Kendall says...
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus was the first book I remember reading and obsessing over. It was the first day of kindergarten and my teacher read the first chapter to our class of wide-eyed five year-olds. When I bounded out of school that day, I begged my mom to take me to the bookstore so I could get the book myself and read ahead on my own time, a habit that stayed with me throughout my educational life. From that day on, I was hooked on books and their spellbinding stories.
In high school I became a dedicated Jane Austen fan, later visiting all her spots around the UK during my year abroad. When deciding on a college major and career path, it was a no brainer; as soon as I discovered that I could work with books, authors, and the teams behind my favorite bestsellers, it seemed like the only option for me.
Whether it’s Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi or The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon, I love to read widely and across many genres. I’m grateful to join the DG&B team and to work alongside the many talented agents and the phenomenal authors they represent.